
Showing posts from May, 2017

Week 7 & 8

Greetings everyone ! For this week class, I couldn't attend because of my family matters. However, that doesn't stop me from studying ! I gained as much information as I can from my classmates. Thank you so much guys !  So this week, they said they learnt about variables. Basically, there are three types of variables which are independent, dependent and mediating. Then, Dr Teoh explained and taught them to how to do the analysis and hypothesis based on the given research question and research objective. This is quite interesting and I cannot wait to try and practice is myself !  Here are what they did in the class, thank you Alia Sakinah for sharing it with me Dr Teoh also share an article "Mathematics Achievement and Interest in Mathematics from a Differential Perspective" written by Aiso Heinze, Kristina Reiss, Franziska Rudolph Augsburg (Germany). This article give a very good example for us to understand and practice about variables.  Last but not

Week 5 & 6

Greetings everyone ! For this week, I finally learn about how to do a literature review from zero. Dr Teoh taught us step by step on how we should do a literature review.  To be honest, we need to understand the article first. Try and read two to three times, or maybe more. Depending on our understanding. After that, we take out the important points/paragraphs and try to paraphrase it/them. There can be two or more points from one article, or we can combine with other related articles as well. Lastly, we have to arrange all the paraphrases and combine them to become a paragraph. As shown in the pictures below, those are the example that we did together in the class. 1 2 3 4 To be honest, at that time I feel so sleepy because doing a literature review require us to read and to think more and more. However, I finally know and get to do it because basically this is my first experience as I do not do any kind of research during my degree.  So, it is advisable to