
Showing posts from April, 2017

Week 3 & 4

Greeting everyone ! For this week, we learnt about type of research , qualitative and quantitative types of what we can use for our research soon.  Here are the types of research that we can use However, according to Dr Teoh, there are a few types that are very common and not suitable for master level. Therefore, it is not encourageable so try to avoid using that kind of research. On this week as well, we are told to read as much articles as we can (minimum : 10) and fullfill this table : By doing this, I can know what the objectives of the articles that I read. What is/are the research questions in the articles and also what type of instruments that the writer used. It is a good practice actually because the more we read the more we know. And research require a lot of readings ! That's all for this post, thank you !